Little Bluebells, Hockliffe SEND
Little Bluebells Playgroup
Hockliffe Lower School
Woburn Road
Leighton Buzzard
Beds LU7 9LL
Sky Eeles – Manager 07891 377581
The setting Mission Statement
At Little Bluebells Playgroup we aim to nurture the needs of all of our children by providing a broad and balanced curriculum which is individually aimed at the various stages of development and abilities of the children in our group. We aim to work in partnership with parents to identify the interests and strengths of the children attending and collaborate with parents and outside agencies to identify and support areas of development.
We work within the legislative context of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25: 2014, Disability Discrimination Act 2005, the Equality Act 2010, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
Overview of the setting
Little Bluebells Playgroup is located on the outskirts of the village of Hockliffe. We can be found within the grounds of Hockliffe Lower School, with a separate entrance to our grounds at the side of the school overlooking fields which are used in the spring for lambing.
We are a small setting with a close team who warmly welcome parents, carers and children to the setting. Low staff turnover ensures that faces are familiar.
We have two outside play areas. The inner area is divided into a paved area and an artificial lawn. The extended garden is natural grass with a wooden playhouse. Both are busy areas with opportunities for climbing, resting, exploring, mark making, role playing, experiencing nature and working together to build and create. Indoors we have a cosy book corner, a home area with a large wooden kitchen, an extensive range of toys and activities which may be used on the floor or at tables and a small kitchen area which we use to prepare healthy snacks.
The SEND policy
Our policies set out, for parents and staff, the aims of the setting and the methods we use to achieve them, this ensures consistent practice. We review our policies regularly to reflect changes to practice which may be the result of updates to training, self evaluation and changes to legislation. Our policies, including our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy, are available to view in our operational plan which may be found in the foyer.
The provision plan/map
We plan and organise our activities and resources according to four levels of planning. We have a long term plan which provides an overview of annual events, key transition periods and seasonal festivals and celebrations. We have a medium term plan which generalises the way in which we aim to support areas of development across a term, it encompasses any themes or topics we wish to incorporate and the areas of learning these may support. Our short term plan details the activities for each week in the term, including activities which focus on particular areas of development, the specific way we plan to provide the activities or resources and the days we plan to provide them on, alongside our continuous provision. Where an individual may need provision that is different from, or additional to, the usual provision we provide an individual plan which outlines the way in which additional resources may be used to support the child.
What can a parent of a child with SEND expect when they come to your setting
Our caring, experienced and understanding team have an open door policy and are qualified and trained to work with parents and children to meet individual needs.
When prospective parents first visit they can expect to view the setting, be given an outline of the session routine and be given the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss any concerns, our team can advise the ways in which we can meet individual needs, including the access of funding, additional provision and adjustments we can make to ensure inclusion. Parents will be given a registration form which should be returned to us to register a parents interest in gaining a place, we will use the contact details on the form to notify parents when a place becomes available, this is usually at the end of a term to begin attending the following term. If a place is offered a parent will be asked to complete an enrolment for which will ask parents to share their knowledge of their child.
When children join the setting (please see our Admissions Policy) a key worker will make themselves known to the parents, this team member will use the information  provided by parents on the enrolment form to get to know the child, to help them settle (please see our settling in policy) and will be responsible for the monitoring and assessment of the child. The key worker should be the parents first point of contact to discuss their child’s developmental progress. The key worker will share observations and termly reports with parents to keep them informed of their childs progress.
Who is responsible for/organises SEND
The SENCO’s are responsible for coordinating provision for children with special educational needs or disablilities, they work closely with the manager, the key workers and outside professionals to support, advise and seek advice where necessary to facilitate the best possible provision.
Who else is involved
Where it is felt by the parent, the key worker and the SENCO that  additional (stage two) support is necessary we work with outside agencies including foundation stage advisory teachers, area SENCO’s, early years support team, speech and language therapists, health visitors, children’s centres, GP’s, educational psychologists, assessment and monitoring team, parenting team, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, specialist nurses and child development centres (Edwin Lobo).
How can a parent raise any concerns
If a parent feels that, for any reason, the setting, or individuals within the setting, are not meeting their expectations please, in the first instance, approach your childs key worker if this is appropriate. The manager or the SENCO’s are happy to help with any concerns or queries. If a parent remains unsatisfied or concerned we have a detailed complaints policy available for parents to view.
How are committee members involved
SENCO’s liaise closely with all team members including the manager, who is kept informed of the progress and needs of all individuals attending the setting and how we are supporting them.
How do you include the views of the child
The views of the children are and their families are valued and respected. We offer children plenty of choices and support them to make their opinions known. When planning for individuals we observe the things they like, their current interests and assess their strengths in order to engage them in appropriate and enjoyable activities. We work closely with parents to find out what individual children do and do not enjoy and what is familiar to them.
What happens in transition and how will parents know
A transition period is any type of change. This can include a house move, a new sibling, transfer to school or giving up a comforter. Some children find transitions or changes harder than others and we work closely with parents to put the right level of support in place for each child (see settling in policy and transition policy). We work in collaboration with any school your child may transfer to.
How are children with send identified and what approaches are used to support them
All of our children are observed continuously, our observations are assessed, recorded and monitored against the early years foundation stage development matters. Where it is felt that a child may not be progressing at the expected rate in one or more of the areas of learning we will speak with parents and work closely with them to identify the most suitable support. We use a graduated response to support development.
Stage one – this is the action we take to support individuals within the setting which is different from or additional to usual provision, including the provision of alternative equipment or practice. We record, act on, assess and review individual plans  to measure progress towards outcomes that have been agreed with the involvement of parent and child.
Stage 2 – this is stage one with the addition of  the involvement of outside agencies including Foundation stage advisory teachers, areas SENCO’s, Early years support team, speech and language therapists, health visitors, children’s centres, GP’s, educational psychologists, assessment and monitoring team, parenting team, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, specialist nurses and child development centres (Edwin Lobo).
Stage 3 – this is stage two with the addition of the implementation of an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) previously a statement of educational need but now incorporating health and care. The single plan aims to encourage collaboration between sectors towards a single plan.
How do you ensure inclusion
Our setting is widely advertised, admission is organised by date of birth to avoid accidental discrimination. Our setting is accessible, with wide doors and ramp access. The furniture is freestanding to allow us to rearrange it if necessary. We can purchase, hire, borrow or source funding for specialist equipment. Please see Inclusion, Equal Opportunity and Admissions Policy.
How do you liaise with external agencies
Please see Confidentiality Policy. We operate in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Where we seek the involvement of external agencies for advice or support regarding a child it will be with a parents knowledge and agreement (unless it is felt a child is at significant risk of harm- please see safeguarding policy).
What specialisms do you have in your setting
We operate a key worker system where one key member of the team is particularly responsible for monitoring and assessing the needs and interests of a small group of individual children. In a small setting with a maximum of 12 children per session  this allows to team to support our children and families closely.
The limited number of children and small size of the setting is particularly nurturing.
We use some makaton signs regularly to support speech and language development.
Two of the team have had makaton training.
We have two co-ordinators of provision for children with Special Educational needs and disabilities. Our manager is an experienced SENCO and our deputy is an accredited SENCO.
All of our team are qualified or training to at least level 3.
What funding arrangements do you have in place
Children from age three can access additional SEN funding through nursery education funding
We are able to accept  funding for two year olds. Children under three can access Inclusion funding available from the childcare development team.
We have arrangements in place to apply for criteria funding for children receiving stage 2 or 3 support.